Gastric Sleeve in Quebec

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a popular bariatric procedure gaining traction in Quebec. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on every aspect of gastric sleeve surgery, from its definition to the recovery process.

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery involves the removal of a portion of the stomach to reduce its size and capacity. By decreasing the stomach’s volume, this procedure restricts the amount of food a person can consume, leading to weight loss.

Benefits of Gastric Sleeve

Physical and Psychological Benefits

Gastric sleeve surgery not only aids in weight loss but also contributes to improving overall health. Patients often experience a reduction in obesity-related health issues such as diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. Moreover, shedding excess weight can boost self-esteem and mental well-being.

Cost of Gastric Sleeve in Quebec

The cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Quebec varies depending on several factors, including the hospital, surgeon’s fees, pre-operative tests, and post-operative care. While it can be a significant investment, many individuals view it as a worthwhile step towards improving their health and quality of life.

Choosing a Surgeon

Selecting the right surgeon is crucial for a successful gastric sleeve procedure. Look for a surgeon who is experienced in bariatric surgery, board-certified, and affiliated with reputable medical institutions. Additionally, seek referrals from trusted sources and schedule consultations to discuss your concerns and expectations.

Preparation for Surgery

Before undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, patients are required to make dietary and lifestyle changes to prepare their bodies for the procedure. This may involve adopting a low-calorie diet, quitting smoking, and increasing physical activity. Following pre-operative guidelines diligently can enhance surgical outcomes and minimize risks.

Procedure Day

On the day of the surgery, patients are admitted to the hospital, where they undergo pre-operative assessments and meet with the surgical team. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and typically lasts for about one to two hours. After the surgery, patients are monitored closely in the recovery room before being transferred to their hospital room.

Recovery Process

The recovery timeline post-gastric sleeve surgery varies from person to person. Initially, patients may experience discomfort, nausea, and fatigue, which gradually subside within a few days. It is essential to follow post-operative instructions provided by the medical team, including dietary guidelines, medication schedules, and activity restrictions.

Potential Risks and Complications

While gastric sleeve surgery is considered safe, like any surgical procedure, it carries certain risks and complications. These may include infection, bleeding, blood clots, leakage at the surgical site, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, the likelihood of experiencing complications can be minimized by choosing a skilled surgeon and adhering to post-operative care instructions.

Success Stories

Many individuals have achieved remarkable weight loss and improved health outcomes following gastric sleeve surgery. Their success stories serve as inspiration for others considering the procedure, demonstrating its effectiveness in combating obesity and its associated health risks.

Follow-up Care

Post-operative follow-up care is essential for monitoring progress, addressing any concerns, and ensuring long-term success. Patients are advised to attend regular follow-up appointments with their surgeon and healthcare team, undergo recommended tests and screenings, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to sustain weight loss and optimize health outcomes.

FAQs about Gastric Sleeve

How much weight can I expect to lose after gastric sleeve surgery?

Weight loss outcomes vary among individuals, but most patients can expect to lose a significant amount of weight within the first year following surgery.

Is gastric sleeve surgery reversible?

Unlike gastric bypass surgery, gastric sleeve surgery is not reversible as it involves permanently removing a portion of the stomach.

Will I need to follow a specific diet after gastric sleeve surgery?

Yes, following a post-operative diet is crucial for successful outcomes. Patients typically progress from a liquid diet to soft foods and eventually to solid foods over time, under the guidance of a dietitian.

What are the long-term effects of gastric sleeve surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery can lead to sustained weight loss, improvement in obesity-related health conditions, and enhanced quality of life in the long term.

Are there any dietary restrictions after gastric sleeve surgery?

While there are dietary guidelines to follow after surgery, patients can still enjoy a variety of foods. However, they may need to limit portion sizes and avoid certain foods that are high in sugar, fat, or carbonation.

How soon can I return to work after gastric sleeve surgery?

Most patients can resume light activities within a week after surgery and return to work within two to four weeks, depending on the nature of their job and their recovery progress.


In conclusion, gastric sleeve surgery offers a promising solution for individuals struggling with obesity in Quebec. By understanding the procedure, benefits, costs, and considerations involved, individuals can make informed decisions about their weight loss journey. Remember, success requires commitment to lifestyle changes and ongoing medical support.

Price Comparison of Gastric Sleeve between Quebec and Turkey

Initial Consultation Fees

In Quebec, the initial consultation fees for gastric sleeve surgery typically range from $100 to $300. However, in Turkey, medical facilities often offer complimentary consultations, allowing patients to explore their options without financial burden.

Surgery Costs

The average cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Quebec ranges from $10,000 to $20,000, depending on the hospital and surgeon’s expertise. Conversely, Turkey offers competitive pricing, with surgery costs averaging between $5,000 and $10,000, making it a more cost-effective option for many patients.

Hospitalization Expenses

Post-surgery hospitalization expenses in Quebec can add significant costs to the overall bill, ranging from $3,000 to $5,000 per day. In contrast, Turkish hospitals provide comprehensive packages that cover hospitalization costs, ensuring transparent pricing and minimal financial surprises for patients.

Travel and Accommodation

Travel and accommodation expenses must be factored into the overall cost when undergoing gastric sleeve surgery abroad. While traveling to Quebec may incur minimal travel costs for Canadian residents, international patients may face additional expenses. On the other hand, Turkey offers affordable travel packages and accommodation options, making it an attractive destination for medical tourism.

Post-Operative Care

Aftercare services play a crucial role in ensuring a successful recovery from gastric sleeve surgery. While Quebec offers excellent post-operative care facilities, these services often come at a premium. In comparison, Turkish medical facilities provide comprehensive aftercare packages at competitive prices, including follow-up consultations and nutritional guidance.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage for gastric sleeve surgery varies depending on the patient’s location and insurance provider. In Quebec, public health insurance may cover a portion of the surgery costs for eligible patients, reducing out-of-pocket expenses. However, coverage criteria can be stringent. Conversely, patients traveling to Turkey for surgery may not be eligible for insurance coverage, necessitating self-payment or private insurance options.

Additional Considerations

Aside from direct medical expenses, other factors such as language barriers, cultural differences, and travel logistics should also be taken into account when choosing between Quebec and Turkey for gastric sleeve surgery. While Quebec offers familiarity and proximity for Canadian residents, Turkey provides a unique opportunity for medical tourism with its renowned healthcare facilities and affordable pricing.
