Gynecomastia in Tunisia

In recent years, male beauty has become a major topic and a high necessity in our modern society, now men take care of their aesthetic presence more than ever.

It’s only about facial hair and how to dress, now, men have access to so many aesthetic products and cosmetic surgeries that can help them enhance their true beauty and feel comfortable.

One of the main aspects of male beauty is how the body is formed, more muscles means more masculinity, and that is achievable with protein products and constant training.

But many men can develop an accumulation of fat in their chest which can make their chest appear saggy, big and almost resembles a woman’s breast.

And it could be very affective on your mental health as feeling like you are uncomfortable with your body can lead to many mental problems such as depression.

But not to worry, because if there’s an aesthetic problem then MedEpoir has the perfect solution for it, and for this problem we offer you the gynecomastia in Tunisia.

With the gynecomastia procedure in Tunisia, you will have the chest and body that looks like the statues of Greek gods, fully masculine and manly.

And you will have the help of the best doctors in all of Tunisia and at the lowest and most affordable prices.


What is the price of a gynecomastia in Tunisia ?

The price of gynecomastia in Tunisia has been carefully studied by MedEspoir to be inexpensive and within everyone’s budget.

At MedEspoir, our main mission is to offer a relaxing and stress free experience for all our patients and guide through their journey of beauty.

Which is why we have created our all-inclusive package to offer you the lowest and most affordable prices for all cosmetic surgeries in Tunisia.

With our unique all-inclusive package you will be able to have the gynecomastia operation in Tunisia and save 70% on the price, this is because the all-inclusive deal covers:

  • The hotel room during your visit to Tunisia.
  • The doctor’s payment.
  • The cost of the medical equipments and tools that will be used during or after the operation.
  • All operation related transportation.
  • The medication for your postoperative period.

What is gynecomastia ?

Gynecomastia is a cosmetic surgery that is intended to overcome male breast hypertrophy because nothing is more unpleasant for men than having a soft and drooping chest.

The correction of this pathology is practiced with the greatest rigor and according to codified techniques.

Caused by an unbalanced diet or an unhealthy lifestyle, gynecomastia causes complexes and can have disastrous psychological consequences. Cosmetic surgery provides a reliable and lasting response to this pathology, which is a source of inconvenience for many men.

What are the types of the Gynecomastia procedure?

Liposuction-Assisted Gynecomastia Surgery (LAGS):

Liposuction-Assisted Gynecomastia Surgery, or LAGS, represents a refined approach in treating gynecomastia by primarily targeting excess fatty tissue.

This procedure is ideal for individuals with predominantly fatty gynecomastia, characterized by an accumulation of adipose tissue in the breast area. LAGS involves making small incisions around the areola or in inconspicuous locations to access the breast tissue. Through these incisions, a cannula, a thin hollow tube, is inserted to suction out excess fat.

The strategic placement of incisions minimizes visible scarring, ensuring aesthetically pleasing results. LAGS offers several advantages, including reduced surgical trauma, quicker recovery times, and enhanced contouring precision. Additionally, it allows for simultaneous treatment of both breasts, promoting symmetrical outcomes.

However, it’s essential to note that LAGS may not be suitable for individuals with glandular or fibrous gynecomastia, as it primarily targets fat deposits.

Therefore, thorough preoperative evaluation by a qualified plastic surgeon is crucial to determine the most appropriate treatment plan tailored to each patient’s unique anatomical characteristics and aesthetic goals.

Excisional Gynecomastia Surgery:

Excisional Gynecomastia Surgery stands as a cornerstone in the management of gynecomastia, particularly in cases where glandular tissue or excess skin necessitates surgical intervention. Unlike liposuction-based techniques that primarily address fatty tissue, excisional surgery focuses on directly removing glandular tissue and skin to achieve optimal chest contouring.

This procedure begins with careful preoperative assessment to delineate the extent of tissue hypertrophy and determine the most appropriate surgical approach. During the surgery, incisions are strategically placed either around the areola or in inconspicuous locations to facilitate tissue excision and ensure minimal scarring.

Through these incisions, the surgeon meticulously removes excess glandular tissue and trims redundant skin, sculpting a masculine chest contour. Excisional surgery offers unparalleled precision in correcting gynecomastia, particularly in cases of severe glandular hypertrophy or skin laxity. Furthermore, by directly addressing glandular tissue, it provides long-lasting results with minimal risk of recurrence.

However, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of selecting a skilled plastic surgeon experienced in gynecomastia correction to optimize outcomes and minimize potential complications.

Combination Gynecomastia Surgery:

Combination Gynecomastia Surgery represents a comprehensive approach that integrates various techniques to address multifactorial aspects of gynecomastia, including excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin laxity.

This advanced surgical strategy combines the principles of liposuction-assisted surgery and excisional techniques to achieve optimal chest contouring and aesthetic outcomes. The decision to perform combination surgery is based on individual patient characteristics, including the degree of tissue hypertrophy, skin elasticity, and aesthetic goals.

During the procedure, the surgeon employs liposuction to remove excess fatty tissue, followed by excisional techniques to address glandular hypertrophy and skin redundancy. This integrated approach allows for customized treatment tailored to each patient’s unique anatomical features, ensuring symmetrical and natural-looking results.

Combination surgery offers several advantages, including comprehensive tissue sculpting, enhanced contour refinement, and reduced risk of residual deformities. Moreover, by addressing multiple components of gynecomastia simultaneously, it minimizes the need for additional procedures, streamlining the overall treatment process and enhancing patient satisfaction.

However, as with any surgical intervention, careful patient selection and meticulous surgical planning are essential to optimize outcomes and minimize potential complications.

Minimal-Incision Gynecomastia Surgery:

Minimal-Incision Gynecomastia Surgery represents a groundbreaking advancement in gynecomastia correction, characterized by its emphasis on minimizing surgical incisions and optimizing aesthetic outcomes.

This innovative technique utilizes specialized instruments and surgical approaches to achieve tissue sculpting with minimal scarring and reduced surgical trauma. The key principle underlying minimal-incision surgery is the strategic placement of small incisions, often less than one centimeter in length, to access and treat gynecomastia.

These tiny incisions are carefully positioned along natural skin creases or in inconspicuous locations to ensure minimal visibility postoperatively. Through these small incisions, the surgeon employs a combination of liposuction and tissue excision to address excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin laxity, effectively sculpting a masculine chest contour.

Minimal-incision surgery offers several advantages, including shortened recovery times, reduced postoperative discomfort, and enhanced cosmetic outcomes. Additionally, by minimizing visible scarring, it allows patients to confidently display their chest without concerns about surgical marks. However, it’s essential to note that not all patients may be suitable candidates for minimal-incision surgery, particularly those with severe tissue hypertrophy or significant skin laxity.

Therefore, thorough preoperative evaluation and discussion with a qualified plastic surgeon are crucial to determine the most appropriate treatment plan tailored to each patient’s unique needs and goals.

Hormonal Therapy for Gynecomastia:

Hormonal Therapy for Gynecomastia represents a non-surgical approach to managing gynecomastia by targeting underlying hormonal imbalances contributing to breast tissue proliferation.

This treatment modality is particularly beneficial for individuals with pubertal gynecomastia or cases associated with hormonal disruptions, such as those secondary to medications, underlying medical conditions, or anabolic steroid use.

Hormonal therapy aims to restore hormonal balance by modulating estrogen and testosterone levels, thereby reducing breast tissue proliferation and minimizing gynecomastia symptoms. Commonly used medications in hormonal therapy include selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) such as tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors (AIs) like anastrozole or letrozole.

These medications work by blocking estrogen receptors or inhibiting estrogen synthesis, respectively, thus counteracting the stimulatory effects of estrogen on breast tissue. Hormonal therapy offers several potential benefits, including reduced breast tissue volume, alleviation of symptoms such as pain and tenderness, and improvement in psychological well-being.

However, it’s essential to recognize that hormonal therapy may not be effective in all cases of gynecomastia, particularly those with significant glandular hypertrophy or long-standing tissue changes. Additionally, it requires careful monitoring by a qualified healthcare provider to assess treatment response and manage potential side effects, such as hormonal fluctuations and adverse drug reactions.

Therefore, a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional is crucial to determine the most appropriate treatment approach tailored to each patient’s specific needs and circumstances.

How to prepare before the gynecomastia procedure?

Initial Consultation with a Plastic Surgeon:

Scheduling an initial consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon specialized in gynecomastia correction is the crucial first step.

During this meeting, you’ll discuss your concerns, goals, and medical history. The surgeon will examine your chest, evaluate the severity of gynecomastia, and propose suitable treatment options. This consultation is essential for establishing trust, understanding the procedure, and clarifying expectations.

Preoperative Assessment and Testing:

Your surgeon may require preoperative assessments like blood tests and an electrocardiogram to ensure your fitness for surgery.

Additional tests such as chest X-rays or mammograms may be ordered based on your medical history and risk factors. Completing these tests as instructed is vital for ensuring safety and minimizing surgical risks.

Medication Review and Adjustment:

Before surgery, your surgeon will review your medications, including prescriptions, supplements, and herbal remedies. Certain medications like blood thinners may need adjustment or temporary discontinuation to reduce bleeding risks during surgery.

It’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding medication management closely.

Lifestyle Modifications:

Leading up to gynecomastia surgery, your surgeon may recommend certain lifestyle modifications to optimize your health and enhance surgical outcomes.

This may include quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, and adopting a healthy diet and exercise routine. Maintaining a stable weight and practicing overall wellness habits can contribute to a smoother recovery and better long-term results.

Preoperative Instructions:

Your surgeon will provide detailed preoperative instructions to prepare you for the day of surgery. This may involve fasting for a certain period before the procedure, avoiding certain medications or supplements, and arranging for transportation to and from the surgical facility.

Following these instructions diligently helps minimize complications and ensures a safe surgical experience.

Arranging Support and Recovery Assistance:

Arrange for a trusted friend or family member to assist you during the initial recovery period following surgery. Having someone available to help with household tasks, transportation, and emotional support can greatly facilitate your recovery process.

Communicate your needs and expectations with your support person to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery journey.

Financial and Insurance Considerations:

Discuss the financial aspects of gynecomastia surgery with your surgeon’s office, including the cost of the procedure, payment options, and insurance coverage. Some insurance plans may cover gynecomastia surgery if it’s deemed medically necessary.

Be sure to verify coverage and obtain any necessary preauthorization or documentation before the surgery date.

What happens during gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is an unsightly pathology characterized by an overdevelopment of the mammary glands due to the secretion of female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

It is also observed during overweight with fat accumulation in the chest.

Gynecomastia causes a soft appearance of the chest with an unsightly bouncing.

It can sometimes induce pain in the nipples.

The procedure is done using general anesthesia to avoid the triggering of anxiety attacks (panic, agitation, accelerated heartbeat, etc.) due to the sight of the scalpel.

The duration of gynecomastia surgery is estimated at a maximum of 2 hours, and hospitalization is often 2 days.

Fat gynecomastia.

Subcutaneous fatty overload, associated with obesity or overweight and which can be resolved by a simple liposuction.

Glandular gynecomastia.

Excess mammary gland due to overproduction of hormones and cured definitively by removal of the mammary gland.

Mixed gynecomastia.

Abnormally large mammary gland and excess fat around it.

Its treatment involves liposuction combined with removal of the mammary gland.

Gynecomastia must be preceded by a medical consultation to detect the glandular or fatty portion to be eliminated.

It should be noted that the scars generated by this surgery are fine and perfectly hidden.

But to make them invisible, the patient can apply healing creams from reliable pharmaceutical laboratories.

What happens after the gynecomastia procedure ?

It is possible to send at least one night in the clinic to help you rest and so that the medical team monitor your condition.

During the first days of your recovery period, you may notice some slight swelling and mild pain in the chest area, this is very normal and easily manageable with the painkillers that the doctor will be providing for you.

It is mandatory to wear an elastic and compression corset while the wounds heal and the edema disappears.

You should avoid any sun exposure to your operated area because UV light can cause burning and infections.

The duration of the cessation of socio-professional activities is approximately 1 month.

Stay away from activities that require massive physical strength so that you don’t damage the operation area.

To keep fat from accumulating again in your body it’s best to start a strict healthy diet and start exercising more.

What happens during the healing period?

Resolution of Swelling and Bruising:

In the weeks following surgery, you can expect the swelling and bruising around the chest area to gradually diminish.

Your body’s natural healing mechanisms work to reabsorb excess fluid and clear away bruising, leading to a smoother and more contoured appearance.

2Scar Maturation:

The incisions made during the surgery will undergo a process of scar maturation over several months.

Initially, the scars may appear red, raised, or slightly bumpy, but over time, they will fade and flatten, becoming less noticeable.

Proper scar care, including keeping the incision sites clean and protected from sun exposure, can help promote optimal scar healing.

Tissue Remodeling and Contour Refinement:

As the swelling subsides and the tissues heal, you’ll notice ongoing changes in the contour and appearance of your chest.

The skin and underlying tissues gradually conform to the new chest shape created during surgery, resulting in a more natural and masculine contour.

It’s common for minor asymmetries or irregularities to improve over time as the tissues settle and remodel.

Sensory Changes:

You may experience temporary changes in sensation, such as numbness, tingling, or hypersensitivity, in the chest area.

These sensory changes typically diminish as the nerves regenerate and the tissues heal, although it may take several months for sensation to fully normalize.

Psychological Adjustment:

The long-term healing period also involves psychological adjustment and adaptation to your transformed chest appearance.

You may experience fluctuations in body image and self-esteem as you navigate the changes in your physical appearance.

Seeking support from loved ones, participating in counseling or support groups, and practicing self-care techniques can help facilitate emotional healing and adjustment.

Final Results and Follow-Up:

The final results of gynecomastia surgery become apparent several months after the procedure, once the tissues have fully healed and settled.

It’s important to attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress, address any concerns, and ensure optimal healing.

While individual outcomes may vary, most patients achieve significant improvement in chest contour and are satisfied with their results in the long term.

Maintenance of Results:

To maintain the results of gynecomastia surgery over the long term, it’s essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Avoiding significant weight fluctuations and practicing proper chest care, such as wearing supportive garments as recommended by your surgeon, can help preserve your surgical results for years to come.

What are the results of gynecomastia surgery in Tunisia ?

The final result is recommended one month after the operation and depends on compliance with medical instructions during the follow-up.

The final results only appears after almost 6 months, that is to say as soon as the swelling and scars fade.

It is a surgery with a strong psychological impact, like a penoplasty or a hair transplant.

What are the risks of gynecomastia ?

Much like any other medical procedure, gynecomastia has some potential complications, however the doctors at MedEspoir will make sure that you are safe and your operation goes smoothly with guaranteed results.

Some of the risks of gynecomastia are:

  • Bruising.
  • Bleeding.
  • Fluid collections.
  • Numbness of the nipples.
  • Numbness of the nipples.
  • Inverted nipples.

Your doctor will discuss these potential risks with you during your first visit to them.

They will also instruct you on how to avoid and manage these complications and will available when ever you need them, so if you feel any major or serious discomfort make sure to call your doctor right away.
