Cosmetic surgery insurance in Tunisia

Cosmetic surgeries in Canada or Tunisia do not generally have a therapeutic role and are therefore not covered by Social Security and the various mutual insurance companies.

In addition, their costs are quite high, since the overruns of surgeons’ fees are always frequent. Do you want to do one or more aesthetic procedures in Tunisia and do you want to be insured throughout your medical stay? We have the solution.

In addition to your ordinary travel insurance, we advise you to make a provident contract which will allow you to cover the expenses of your aesthetic and medical treatments in Tunisia. To do this, you can count on our insurance partner: Global Protective Solutions.

Global Protective Solutions : what is it?

Specializing in the design of insurance solutions dedicated to medical tourism, Global Protective Solutions has developed personalized services and insurance formulas for medical tourists and the medical tourism industry on a global scale.

One of the solutions available is a package that provides benefits to tourists/medical travelers to cover their expenses at a very high rate.

Need to know more about insurance subscription procedures ? Contact the Medespoir agency or fill out the online form directly, by clicking on the following link:
