Who is the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Ottawa ?

Finding the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Ottawa can be a challenge. There are several qualified professionals in this city, each with their own skills and experience. Dr. Marie Lefebvre is often cited as one of the best options for rhinoplasty in Ottawa.

Dr. Lefebvre has extensive experience in cosmetic nose surgery. Patients frequently praise her natural results and her ability to customize treatments to individual needs. This makes him a preferred choice for those seeking precise, aesthetic results.

Of course, there are other reputable surgeons in Ottawa. Each has its unique advantages, and it’s important to consult several opinions before making a decision. This ensures that the surgeon chosen perfectly meets each patient’s specific needs and expectations.

Definition of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to modify the shape, size or function of the nose. It can be performed for aesthetic or functional reasons, depending on the patient’s needs and objectives.

Aesthetic rhinoplasty

Aesthetic rhinoplasty focuses on improving the appearance of the nose. It can modify size, shape and symmetry to create a harmonious facial balance. Patients may wish to correct a hump on the nasal bridge, a nose that is too wide or narrow, or a drooping tip.

Techniques often include resizing the nostrils, refining the nasal tip, and adjusting the angle between the nose and upper lip. Recovery can vary, but usually involves swelling and bruising that gradually resolves over a few weeks.

Properly performed, cosmetic rhinoplasty can boost self-confidence and improve self-esteem.

Functional Rhinoplasty

Functional rhinoplasty aims to improve respiratory function. It is often necessary to correct structural abnormalities such as deviated nasal septum, collapsed nasal valves, or congenital problems.

The procedure may include repair of the nasal septum, reinforcement of the internal and external nasal valves, and correction of blocked nasal passages. Good respiratory function is crucial to quality of life, and this surgery can significantly improve breathing.

Recovery from functional rhinoplasty can vary, but respiratory benefits are often noticeable soon after surgery.

The Consultation Process

Before undergoing rhinoplasty, a thorough consultation is crucial. It allows patients to discuss their expectations and surgeons to assess the structure of the nose.

Determining realistic expectations

During the initial consultation, the surgeon and patient discuss the goals of the procedure. The surgeon explains what is achievable, taking into account the physical shape of the nose and the overall facial structure.

It is essential that the patient clearly expresses his or her wishes and concerns. The surgeon may use imaging techniques to show simulations of possible outcomes, helping to align expectations with what can be achieved.

Nose Structure Assessment

The surgeon carefully analyzes the structure of the patient’s nose. This assessment includes examination of skin, bone and cartilage to determine the best surgical technique.

He takes into account the symmetry, projection and proportion of the nose in relation to the rest of the face. A detailed analysis helps to plan the operation so that the results are natural and harmonious.

Criteria for Selecting a Surgeon

Choosing the right surgeon for rhinoplasty involves considering several essential criteria. The surgeon’s certifications and reputation are paramount, as are his or her experience and specialties.

Certifications and reputation

A good starting point is to check whether the surgeon is certified by recognized organizations. In Canada, it is crucial that the surgeon is certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

The surgeon’s reputation is also a key indicator. Testimonials from previous patients can offer valuable insights. It’s a good idea to look for reviews online and consult forums to gather testimonials.

Your confidence in the surgeon plays an important role. An initial consultation can help you assess his or her competence and professional attitude. A plastic surgeon with a long list of achievements and a notable presence in the medical community is often trustworthy.

Experience and specialties

A rhinoplasty surgeon’s experience is crucial. The more rhinoplasties the surgeon has performed, the more likely he or she is to have the necessary skills. It’s also useful to know what his or her specialties are.

Some surgeons specialize in specific types of rhinoplasty, such as post-trauma correction or ethnic rhinoplasty. It’s beneficial to choose a surgeon whose expertise matches your specific needs.

Also, ask to see before-and-after photos of previous procedures to judge the quality of the work. These photos can reveal the surgeon’s level of detail and precision, as well as his or her overall aesthetic.

Rhinoplasty techniques

Rhinoplasty techniques vary according to the patient’s specific needs and the complexity of the surgery. The two main approaches are open and closed rhinoplasty, with adjustments possible according to individual morphology.

Open and closed rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty involves an incision over the columella, the portion of skin between the nostrils, allowing better access to internal structures.


Direct view of cartilage and bone.
Greater precision for complex corrections.


Visible, albeit discreet, scarring.
Potentially longer recovery time.

Closed rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty is performed through incisions inside the nostrils, with no visible external scar.


No external scarring.
Generally shorter recovery time.


Limited vision of structures.
More difficult for complex modifications.

Personalized approach based on morphology

Rhinoplasty must be tailored to each individual’s morphology and aesthetic expectations.

The surgeons evaluate :

Initial shape and size of the nose.
Overall facial symmetry.

They often use 3D simulations to visualize possible results. This approach allows for greater personalization, enhancing patient satisfaction with results that better complement their natural facial features.

Preparing for surgery

For a successful rhinoplasty, adequate preparation is essential. Taking certain preoperative measures and understanding anesthesia considerations are crucial steps.

Pre-operative instructions

It’s vital to follow the surgeon’s preoperative recommendations. The first step is to stop smoking at least two weeks beforehand. This helps improve healing and reduces the risk of complications.

In addition to tobacco, certain medications and supplements should also be avoided. Surgeons often recommend stopping anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, and dietary supplements such as ginkgo biloba, which can increase the risk of bleeding.

A balanced, nutrient-rich diet promotes recovery. Patients should make sure they get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated. On the day of the operation, patients are often asked to fast.

Anesthesia considerations

Choosing between general and local anesthesia is an important decision. General anesthesia puts the patient into a deep sleep, ensuring total absence of pain and consciousness during the procedure. It is often preferable for more complex procedures.

Local anesthesia, often accompanied by sedation, numbs only the area around the nose, allowing the patient to remain awake but relaxed. This option is generally used for simpler procedures or minor revisions.

It’s important to discuss available options and patient-specific considerations, such as allergic reactions or a history of anesthetic complications, with the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Prior consultation helps reduce risks and ensure patient comfort during surgery.

Surgery procedure

Rhinoplasty in Ottawa follows a methodical process involving several key steps. Each step is designed to improve or correct the shape and function of the nose, paying particular attention to the cartilage and skin.

Stages of the Procedure

The procedure begins with an initial consultation to determine aesthetic and functional objectives. The patient is often placed under general anesthesia to ensure total comfort.

Strategic incisions are made to access the nasal skeleton. These incisions are usually hidden inside the nostrils to minimize visible scarring.

The surgeon may correct a deviated septum or adjust the tip of the nose. In some cases, cartilage grafts are required to support the nasal structure.

Cartilage and skin management

Cartilage and skin management are crucial to achieving a natural result. Cartilage-often taken from the nasal septum or sometimes from the ear-is sculpted to give the desired shape.

The skin is fitted over the new structure without excessive stretching to avoid scarring.

The nostrils are symmetrized, and any reduction in size is done with precision to maintain a proportionate appearance.

Particular attention is paid to the tip of the nose to ensure a smooth transition between the different parts of the nose.

Post-op and recovery

After rhinoplasty, it’s crucial to understand the stages of recovery and how to manage post-operative symptoms such as swelling and pain. Anticipating these stages can help prevent possible complications and ensure optimal results.

Managing swelling and pain

Swelling is a normal reaction after rhinoplasty. It may last several weeks, with gradual reduction over time. Ice packs can be applied for the first 48 hours to reduce swelling. Avoid sleeping flat; it’s best to keep your head elevated.

Medication prescribed by the surgeon can help manage pain. Paracetamol is frequently recommended. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should be used with caution because of the increased risk of bleeding. Following the doctor’s instructions is essential to minimize complications.

Recovery timeline

Full recovery from rhinoplasty can take up to a year before the final results are visible. Most patients can resume light activities after one to two weeks. Sutures and nasal splints are usually removed after 7 to 10 days.

Les premiers jours peuvent inclure des ecchymoses autour des yeux et une gêne persistante. Après deux semaines, l’enflure et les ecchymoses diminuent significativement. Cela peut prendre plusieurs mois pour que l’enflure résiduelle disparaisse totalement. Les visites de suivi régulières avec le chirurgien sont cruciales pour surveiller la progression de la récupération et ajuster les soins nécessaires.

Results and Patient Satisfaction

The results of rhinoplasty in Ottawa are often evaluated in terms of aesthetic and functional appreciation, as well as the management of post-surgical expectations. These aspects are crucial for measuring patient satisfaction.

Aesthetic and functional assessment

Aesthetic and functional appreciation after rhinoplasty is a key indicator of the success of the operation. Aesthetically, patients often seek a natural, balanced appearance that enhances self-esteem.

Functional results concern breathing and the internal structure of the nose. Successful surgery must therefore combine visual improvement and respiratory comfort.

Surgeons regularly assess these aspects during post-operative consultations. A good result is often indirectly linked to improved patient self-confidence.

Post-surgery expectation management

Managing post-surgery expectations plays a crucial role in overall satisfaction. Patients need to understand the limits of what surgery can achieve.

Pre-operative consultations are essential to explain the healing process and expected results. Preparing for a certain degree of swelling and bruising is cruc

Specific Rhinoplasty cases

Rhinoplasty cases vary according to individual needs, from surgical revisions to procedures to improve breathing.

Revision rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty is necessary when the first operation fails to produce the desired results. This may include uncorrected aesthetic problems or post-operative complications. This type of surgery is more complex, as scar tissue and altered structures must be corrected.

Patients often opt for revision surgery because of persistent discomfort or aesthetic imbalances. The surgeon’s precision and experience play a crucial role. Post-operative follow-up is also essential to the success of the procedure.

Rhinoplasty for respiratory problems

Rhinoplasty treatment for respiratory problems aims to correct nasal obstructions that impede breathing. These procedures are often dictated by conditions such as deviated nasal septum or enlarged turbinates.

Surgeons use precise techniques to restore normal breathing without compromising aesthetics. As a result, patients suffering from chronic respiratory problems can see a significant improvement in their quality of life. The process includes a detailed pre-operative assessment to pinpoint sources of obstruction.

Complications and risk management

Rhinoplasty, while a common procedure, carries certain risks. One possible complication is infection. Infection can occur after surgery. Patients should watch for signs of infection such as redness, warmth or abnormal discharge.

Bleeding is another potential risk. Slight bleeding is normal in the first few post-operative days. However, excessive bleeding requires immediate medical attention.

Bruising is also common. They can occur around the nose and under the eyes. Although embarrassing, they usually resolve within one to two weeks.

To minimize these risks, rhinoplasty surgeons recommend rigorous post-operative care. Sitting with the head up, using cold compresses, and avoiding physical exertion can help prevent complications.

Patients should also follow antibiotic prescriptions to avoid infections. Keeping follow-up appointments is crucial to monitor healing and detect any complications early.

In summary, while rhinoplasty in Ottawa is generally safe, it’s essential to follow the advice of healthcare professionals to manage and reduce potential risks.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section provides specific answers to common questions about rhinoplasty in Ottawa to help patients make informed decisions.

Who are the most reputable rhinoplasty surgeons in Ottawa?

Some of the most respected surgeons in Ottawa include Dr. James Lacey and Dr. Tarek Bensimon, known for their expertise and successful rhinoplasty results.

Which cosmetic surgery clinics in Ottawa are most recommended for rhinoplasty?

The most recommended clinics for rhinoplasty in Ottawa are Ottawa Plastic Surgery and The Ottawa Clinic, renowned for their state-of-the-art facilities and qualified medical staff.

What is the average cost of rhinoplasty in Ottawa?

The average cost of rhinoplasty in Ottawa ranges from CAD 7,000 to 12,000, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the surgeon chosen.

How do I choose the right surgeon for rhinoplasty?

To choose the right surgeon, it’s important to check his or her qualifications, specific experience in rhinoplasty, and the opinions and testimonials of former patients.

What criteria are important in assessing a rhinoplasty surgeon’s expertise?

Criteria to consider include certification by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, years of experience, and before-and-after photos of patients.

Are there surgeons in Ottawa who specialize solely in rhinoplasty?

Some surgeons, like Dr. Craig Field, specialize primarily in rhinoplasty and have extensive experience in this specific field.
